Demand that Bill 124 be repealed

We are asking all COPE Ontario Members to contact the Premiers office and demand that Bill 124 be repealed.  Enough is enough!  As you have seen in the news, Ontario continues to hemorrhage health care workers, including our members.  This is affecting all of us, even those who don’t work in health care.  We are seeing more and more emergency departments and bed closures because of the lack of staff. 


Health care workers are burnt out and demoralized.  We need workers to stay working in healthcare.  To stay there must be the incentive to be treated respectfully and with dignity, the opposite of Bill 124.


Please take a moment and email the Premiers office at:


Office of the Premier | Contact The Premier (


You will want to select the “I have a problem” option for a reply.


The Ontario Federation of Labour is also calling on the Ford government to repeal this detrimental legislation.  Please visit  The OFL will notify your representative when you complete their online action.  If you are not already, please consider becoming involved in the Health Coalition in your area.


We ask that this action not wait.  The risk to all Ontarians is imminent with these closures and reductions.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.



In Solidarity,



Lorrie Vandersluis


COPE Ontario

416-703-8515 Ext. 299